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Single News Clip Downloading
You can download your required news clip in either color and B&W formats by clicking the (Color) or (B&W) icon. To download news clips, File Download window will appear then you can select Open or Save.

You can also click Headlines to download news clips in color or B&W as set on your profile.

The green tick sign which appears on the(Color) icon or (B&W) indicates RECOMMENDED CHOICE for downloarding; you will get the news clip format as its original source published.

Multiple News Clips Downloading
If you would like to download multiple news clips at the same time you can follow these steps:
1. Click in front of headline that you would like to download. The tick mark will appear
2. After selecting all of your required news clips (a maximum of 10 news clips per one time of downloading), you can select to download the news clip in 3 formats.

Click... When you need to download all news clip in...
Recommended Choice (Color or B&W
depends on their original source published.)

3. After clicking the Color or B&W icon, the File Download window will pop up.
You have to click "Save" to save your news clips in Zip file format as illustrated.

4. After downloading is complete, you can unzip the file and get all news clips you have selected.


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